For a 30-minute session of applying four (4) vacuum cups, our Meridian Cupping will cost $80 in-store and $150 off-store while our Detox Cupping will cost $150 prorated. Additional $10 will be charged for each additional cup of any size and shape.
$80 - $150
For a standard 60-minute session, our Meridian Massage will cost $100 in-store and $200 off-store while our Deep Tissue Massage will cost an additional $10.
$100 - $200
The in-store therapy starts the 1st day sessions at $4190 including Meridian massage, regular cupping, and herbal balm pasting. It follows with consecutive three detox-cupping sessions a day since the 2nd day at $200 per session continuously until the day of no toxins excreting. The natural therapy must be completed with the last day session of another herbal balm pasting at $1600. Our 100% noninvasive drug-free naturopathy will start with minimum cost of $5790 performed by our Meridian Quantum Detox certified therapists excluding pressure controlled detox cuppings. The total naturopathy cost is fully depended upon the actual amount of toxins drained from the patient's body.
$5790 - $5990
The off-store VIP detoxing therapy starts with a minimum of 15-day sessions at $27,900, to 20-day sessions at $35,900, and up to 30-day sessions at $49,950, according to the estimated amount of toxins in the patient's body after Informed Consent consultation. These VIP detoxing therapies are personalized care therapies performed at the consent remote locations that include all meridian massages, cuppings, and herbal balm pastings, in day-by-day continuous sessions. All VIP therapies must be completed with the first and last sessions of herbal balm pasting, and the actual length of each therapy will be determined remotely until no toxins are excreted. Our 100% drug-free naturopathy will be performed by our licensed Meridian Quantum Detox-certified therapists dispatched after the chosen therapy payment is received. The actual cost of our VIP therapy still fully depends upon the actual amount of toxins to be drained from the patient body.
$27900 - $49950
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